Saturday, September 22, 2012

Would you believe me if I said I was back?

Life has been so crazy. I always say how I want to blog again, but I never really do it. I post here and there, but not enough to really be called a blogger anymore. Once we moved into our 'new' house last year, I was happy....or so I thought. But, looking back, I was in a funk. I hated going back and using the computer in the office. I felt like I was in a hole and hated being back there alone. J was 'home' but never really home. Work had him so stressed out that at times I didn't know if we were going to make it through this part of his career and not want to poke each other in the eye.(but we made it! Thank goodness!) Now, after a year and a half of being 'blog absent', I want to honestly pick it up again! Our lives have changed a bit since then and I want to get it all down so I can look back on it all! We've gone on some amazing vacations, bought a house! and got a puppy! Little started at an amazing science based school that he just loves and I'm at home making my house our own! Ohhhh...and that little thing called Deployment has reared it's ugly head on the lookout for weekly updates.

But, we are good! It's been a long, hard year. But, we made it and we are stronger than ever!


grandma tina said...

Yeah I am so glad I have really missed your blogging!!!!!!!!!

Jenny said...

I still have it saved under my blogger account which I don't use anymore =)

-J.D. Humenay said...

I know what you mean about them being home, but not "home". Sometimes I wonder if Deployment is easier.