Saturday, May 9, 2009


I used to always think that I could and wanted to be friends with everyone. I wanted everyone to like me and I didn't care if I honestly didn't like someone, I would still be friends with them. Not necessarily acting like we were best friends, just never telling them what they did that I didn't like.

Over the past few months I have taken a turn on my outlook. It's an old saying but it's true "It's not quantity it's quality". Who cares if I don't have 15 friends who are really half friends at that. Having 5 really great friends here who I know I can trust with my life is more then I can ask for. I love my friends and I can be honest with them when they do something that bothers me. Most of them know not to ask me my opinion if they don't want my 100% honest answer. But I still find it hard to let go of those friendships that I know are no good for me. Maybe I just slowly stop talking to them or maybe we even have a huge falling out. Either way I feel refreshed. I'm happy with who I am and where I am in my life.

Being a navy wife can be a lot like being in the 9th grade and I'm over it. I'm not out to make anyone happy but me and my little family. My friends love me for who I am and that's good enough for me.


Cassie said...

I know exactly how you feel. I don't want to be friends with people who are all drama (which, like you said, I think you find a lot of that as a Navy wife) but I don't really want to be unfriendly towards anyone either.

Karie said...

I agree 100%. Quality over quantity. I don't have tons of friends, but the ones I have are irreplacable.

Jenn Rice said...

Good for you! I just started the process of purging all the 'negative' influences in my life just this year. Unfortunately, being a military wife makes it a lot harder to get completely rid of all the drama. Good luck!

Jenny said...

I agree and I couldn't have found a better friend in YOU!

~T~ said...

Well said and I totally agree!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Exactly! It's all about quality. Military spouses, I love them. I do, don't get me wrong, but sometimes they can be very 9th grade like you said. It's all about lunching, what your wearing and doing.

But way to go you! Get those negative people out of your life and you'll be so glad you did!

Casey Stine said...

well since we hung tonight glad i'm not a negative friend...nicky said she would be there;)

Sheena Marie said...

I love you lover!