I love reading Kelly's Corner. I have been reading since her sweet little baby was born and it has been so great to see her grow and be well.

Our cereal sits onto of our fridge since my husband can't seem to walk to the pantry to put it away! I love those containers! They keep the cereal fresh forever!

This is the view into the dining room right off the kitchen. Once again not a lot of space but it does the trick. I love, love, love that bay window. Since the kitchen/dining room/living room are all on the second floor of this house this bay window gets a ton of natural light.
Close up of bay window. Side view of bar/dining room. Not much else to say about that. Old Deployment chain (that I took down today)

My china hutch in my dining room. I love this piece. I have a things for dark wood & black together.
Computer desk in dining room. Classy huh. I love my Bahrain Camel! I think that was one of the best things we bought over there. Lol.
And now....pictures of our kitchens past.
South Carolina. Liked it. Hated that the washer/dryer were in there as well. Nothing like baking brownies and switching the laundry at the same time
New York. Loved it. It was so big and had tons of space. That is our (old) table in there. I miss that kitchen. It makes the one I have now seem like a closet.
I love those kitchens! The kitchen we have now is a walk thru. It leads off to the den and the front room and it's a nightmare!!! I can't wait to move!
Your kitchen looks very similar to the one we had when we were stationed at HILL AFB - only I did not have a bay window. I had patio doors that led out to the backyard. I could cook, scrapbook, whatever while the kids played. It was nice. Now I have a box kitchen haha - I'll post some picture later. Maybe I can find some of my Kitchen's past as well.
Don't you just love kitchens that are open to everything else! Your china hutch and desk are beautiful! My little brother is a Navy lifer too. He is Master Chief Matt Waxenfelter. He was in the Middle East this past month but they shipped him home early because his (and wife and kids) home burned to the ground in the Oklahoma firestorms a few weeks ago. I posted about it on my blog...you can check it out if you like. He also did a stint on the nuc. subs. My Dad actually got to ride the nuc sub from Hawaii to San Diego with him one year!!
P.S. Click the "LillySue" link at Kelly's and come visit my kitchen!
My husband is Navy too and I had to laugh.... our current kitchen looks almost identical to yours. Except we don't have the pink countertops.... ours are more of a tan/cream mixture.
First - thanks to your husband for being in the military!
I like your kitchen - I think it's cute. And so neat about your sister in the frame - I'm sorry to hear you lost her but glad to know you feel her with you!
Absolutely LOVE your hutch and table set. Beautiful?? Where did you find it? The deployment chain is sweet. I'm an Army wife and just survived Deployment #2.
I got my table, hutch and matching desk all from raymour and flanigan. I LOVE all of their stuff!
The chain really help little ones see who long they have left (since I cut the strips before hand).
Your kitchen is not that bad. I liked it. You have a kitchenaide too? I have seen so many on this tour. If I had one it would front and center in my pics.
I LOVE YOUR CHINA HUTCH!!!! You did a great job turning your base house into a home.
I so wanted that computer hutch. I was trying to convince my hubby to get it awhile back when we got hand-me-down one instead.
I love the chain for the boys. We did a jar with pieces of colored paper in it for my husband's deployment. He got to take one out each day until it was empty. Plus it was easier to sneak in extras when my hubby was extended. Good luck with the deployment.
you've done really well with what you have! nay housing can be good or bad. i loved our little apartment in washington.
That would be so hard to have your husband gone like that! I don't think I could bear it. Please tell him THANK YOU!! I don't let mine in the kitchen either when I cook, I prefer we stay friends and he sits down to talk with me also. I think it's sweet. You have a lovely home.
What a sweet tribute to your sister. And I love your table!!
Thanks for letting us look!
You have done well with the given kitchen and the past kitchens. My husband just medically released from the canadian Navy, so I know what its like living in Military housing. THanks for sharing!
I'm so proud of all our millitary! Thanks so much to your whole family! I am so thankful for ya'll. And I love that you have a paper chain!
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