Sunday, October 17, 2010

Deployment Recap: Week 21!

Week 21:

Emotional: Good! Everything has been good.

Physical: SICK! I hate being sick.

Communication: Nothing. I did get a gift in the mail with a really sweet note though!

What's something fun you did this week: Boat stuff. I helped at the bake sale and we went to the Fall Party!

What are you looking forward to next week: I have an interview! I'm not going to say much because I don't want to jinx it! But I'm REALLY excited about it!

What made you happy this week: Snuggle time with Landon. He's so cute when I'm sick. He took good care of me.

What made you sad/mad this week: Nothing really. It's been a pretty low-key week.

What do you miss this week: J being here when I'm sick. He's always so great about it.

How's Landon this week: Great! He's doing so well in school and I love that he likes it!

Pictures from this week:

We "carved" a pumpkin! He had so much fun!

Landon all ready for Karate! So cute!

This is from the venue for our meet & greet. We fell in love with it for the event. It's going to look amazing!