Friday, March 12, 2010

Let talk about books.....

Quite a few people are interested in doing the book club! Yay! I'm so excited! I'm going to do it how the other one was set up.

We are going to check in once a week. Everyone can write their own post and we will have a linky thing here so we can hop to and from every ones page. I might do a prompt or we can switch around and let other people pick the prompt.....?

We will vote on the next book two weeks prior to starting it (since I know some people like to order them online or get them from the library).

What I need to hear from you.

  • What day of the week should we check in?
  • How long should we take on each book?
  • What books do you recommend to be on the choice list for our first book?
  • Do we want to start on the first of April?


Casey Stine said...

* What day of the week should we check in? Monday since a lot of people read mostly on weekends or at least can get a lot more reading done
* How long should we take on each book? depends on how long the book is I like four to five chapters each week
* What books do you recommend to be on the choice list for our first book? I'm not the best one to suggest a book but I'm pretty open to anything...
* Do we want to start on the first of April?

Amanda C. said...

hmm. i think wednesday might be a good day for it.
for how long to take with each book, maybe a week for every 100 pages?
I suggest anything by Dean Koontz. haha! :)
And I think the first of April might be nice. I think it would simplify things a bit. :D

Jes said...

*I like Tuesday
*I think it depends on how long the book is. 50-100 pages a week
*I have a few that I have sitting here ready to read, "Notes Left Behind" by Keith and Brooke Desserich, "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer (the Twilight Saga author) and The "Time Travelers Wife" by Audrey Niffenegger which most people may have already read. Other than that, I'm open to pretty much anything
*1Apr works, or sooner. I'm not currently reading anything =)

Thanks for putting it all together!

Mrs. B said...

day of the week doesn't matter to me... i think 100 pages a week is waaay do-able... i will read pretty much anything and april 1st sounds good :) im excited!!

Anonymous said...

I think Tuesday or Wednesday sounds good. Those seem to be usually less busy. I also think that 100 pages a week sounds good. I think the beginning of April sounds dandy